Lip Lift

As we age, the upper lip can lose volume and the philtrum column can elongate, resulting in a less youthful appearance. A lip lift is a surgical procedure that restores a youthful and balanced look by shortening the space between the nose and the upper lip, increasing the amount of “lip show” and creating the appearance of more lip fullness. Below, we explain what you can expect from a lip lift in the hands of an experienced, board-certified facial cosmetic surgeon.

What is a lip lift?

A lip lift, or perioral lip lift, is a surgical cosmetic procedure that elevates the position of the upper lip to increase the amount of vermillion (red) lip show and enhance the Cupid’s bow of the upper lip. 

During lip lift surgery, a facial cosmetic surgeon removes a small strip of skin from below the nose in order to shorten the distance between the nose and the upper lip—effectively “lifting” the lip and enhancing its shape. Other incision patterns may be used as well, depending on your goals and anatomy.

Lip lift techniques

There are various techniques used during a lip lift. Talk with your surgeon beforehand about the technique that will best help you meet your goals based on your facial anatomy and desired outcomes.

Indirect lip lift

This procedure, also known as a subnasal bullhorn lip lift, involves lifting the lip through an incision below the nose, hiding the scar in the natural shadow under the nose.

Central lip lift

This procedure focuses on elevating the central portion of the upper lip rather than the full upper lip, helping enhance the volume and the shape of the Cupid’s bow with incisions placed below the nose.

Direct lip lift

This procedure involves making an incision along the border of the upper lip. The scar is typically concealed in the natural border of the lip.

Corner lip lift

A corner lip lift raises the corners of the lip through incisions placed in the natural creases of the corners of the upper lip

  • Long-lasting results without maintenance treatments (unlike temporary solutions such as lip fillers or Botox® lip flip)
  • No need for implants or injections
  • Natural-looking results, as no volume is added, but more of the natural lip is revealed
  • Enhanced smile, exposing more of the upper teeth
  • Reduced signs of aging (lengthened philtrum and/or downturned mouth corners)

Excision: A surgical procedure where a portion of tissue or skin is removed. In the context of a lip lift, excision usually refers to the removal of a section of skin beneath the nose to elevate the position of the lip.

Excised: A term used to describe the tissue that has been removed or cut out during a surgical procedure.

Bullhorn lip lift: A type of lip lift named for the bullhorn-shaped strip of skin that is excised from just below the nose. This method shortens the philtrum and elevates the upper lip to enhance its prominence and the visibility of the vermillion border.

Red lip: A term used to describe the colored, exposed part of the lip, also known as the vermillion. The size of the red lip can be increased through lip lift procedures.

Corner lip lift: A procedure that involves excising a small wedge of skin above each corner of the mouth, often combined with other types of lip lift procedures. This is done to raise the corners of the mouth, helping to alleviate a perpetual frown and provide a more cheerful or relaxed expression.

Wet-dry border: This term refers to the line that demarcates the wet, inner part of the lip from the dry, outer part. This border can be enhanced or made more visible through a lip lift procedure.

Duck lips: A slang term often used to describe an undesirable overfilled appearance of the lips after certain cosmetic procedures, such as excessive lip filler injections. The term stems from the pouty and protruded look that resembles a duck’s beak.

Cutaneous lip: This term refers to the upper portion of the lip that extends from the base of the nose to the start of the red lip, or vermillion. The length of the cutaneous lip can be reduced in a lip lift procedure to make the red lip appear larger and more prominent.

Sutures: These are stitches used by surgeons to hold skin and tissue together while it heals after a procedure. They can be absorbable, meaning they dissolve over time, or non-absorbable, which need to be removed manually.

Philtrum: This is the vertical groove in the middle area of the upper lip, below the septum of the nose. Its length can be adjusted in a lip lift procedure for aesthetic purposes.

Subnasal lip lift: Also known as a ‘bullhorn’ lip lift, this procedure shortens the philtrum by excising a strip of skin from beneath the nose, which lifts the upper lip and enhances its definition.

Vermillion: This is the normally red area of the lip which transitions into the regular skin of the face.

Local anesthesia: A type of anesthesia where the patient does not feel sensation in a small area of the body. This is often used in lip lift procedures to numb the mouth area while the patient remains awake.

Healing time: The period required for the body to recover from a surgical procedure. This time can vary based on the individual’s health, the type of procedure, and other factors.

Good candidates for a lip lift

You may be a good candidate for a lip lift if you feel that your red upper lip is disproportionately thin, whether due to genetics or aging. You may also be motivated to shorten the length of the philtrum, which connects the nose to the upper lip, or to have more “tooth show” when you smile. A lip lift may not be ideal for you if your smile already reveals a good deal of tooth and gum show, as a lip lift may exaggerate this.

Some patients choose a lip lift as a more permanent alternative to lip filler, though it is important to understand that lip lift only increases the amount of lip show and does not add volume in the same way that lip filler does.

Finally, as with any cosmetic surgery, you should be in good overall health, a non-smoker, and have clear and realistic expectations for what the surgery can accomplish.

What to expect during surgery

A lip lift is typically performed under local anesthesia, with or without sedation. Local anesthesia means you are awake but the area being operated on is numbed. It may also be performed under general anesthesia in certain cases.

Your facial cosmetic surgeon will make the incision, remove tissues, and suture the incision carefully. The procedure usually takes about 1 hour, and you are able to go home after the operation. A responsible adult should drive you home, and if you had general anesthesia, you will need someone to stay with you for at least 24 hours after surgery.

Recovery and results after a lip lift

Following the procedure, patients may experience some swelling and discomfort which can be managed with prescribed pain medication. Patients can usually return to their normal activities within a week. As with any surgical procedure, the full results of a lip lift will become apparent once all swelling has subsided and the area has fully healed.

Lip lift cost

The cost of a lip lift varies depending on a number of factors, including the complexity of the procedure and the geographic area where you live. A board-certified facial cosmetic surgeon will offer you a personalized estimate after the consultation once they have examined your anatomy, learned about your goals, and determined an ideal surgical plan for you. The total cost of surgery will include anesthesia fees, operating room fees, surgeon’s fees, and more, so be sure to ask for an all-inclusive quote. Many practices offer financing options to make elective surgery more affordable.

Combining lip lift with other procedures

Lip lift surgery can be combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures, such as a facelift surgery or rhinoplasty, or with non-surgical procedures like dermal fillers or neurotoxin injections, to further enhance results. While lip lift surgery increases the amount of visible lip, it does not add volume or fullness to the lips themselves, so lip filler may be a helpful complement for some patients.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a lip lift and lip fillers?

While both lip lift surgery and fillers may enhance the appearance of the lips, a lip lift is a surgical procedure that physically lifts the upper lip without adding volume, while fillers are injections that solely add volume to the lips and can provide some shape enhancement.

How long do lip lift results last?

The results of a lip lift are typically long-lasting. Unlike fillers, which can dissolve over time, a lip lift provides a lasting change in the structure of your lips. Still, the natural aging process may lead to further skin laxity over time.

Is the lip lift procedure painful?

The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia, so you shouldn’t feel any pain during the surgery. After the procedure, your surgeon will prescribe pain medication to help you manage discomfort or soreness.

How long is the recovery after a lip lift?

Most patients can return to their normal activities within a week. However, swelling and bruising may take a few weeks to fully subside, so you may prefer to take a longer period of social downtime.

Will I have a noticeable scar after a lip lift?

Incisions for a lip lift are made in a discreet location so that resulting scars are well hidden. Indirect and central lip lift techniques hide incisions within the natural crease under the nose, while a direct lip lift technique hides them along the border of the upper lip.

How much does a lip lift cost?

The cost of a lip lift varies depending on several factors including the complexity of the procedure, the surgeon’s experience, and geographic location. It’s best to have a consultation with a board-certified facial cosmetic surgeon for a personalized estimate.

Can I combine a lip lift with other procedures?

Yes, a lip lift can be combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures such as facelifts, rhinoplasty, or non-surgical treatments like dermal fillers or Botox.

How do I choose the right surgeon for a lip lift?

Make sure to research your surgeon’s credentials, experience, before and after photo results, and patient reviews. The surgeon you choose should be experienced in lip lifts, performing them regularly as part of their practice; and you should be impressed by both their aesthetic sensibility and professionalism. Lip lift requires careful suturing technique to avoid placing tension on the skin below the nose, which could lead to unfavorable healing and scarring. Board-certified facial cosmetic surgeons are facial aesthetic specialists with extensive training in procedures of the head, face, and neck; you can find a facial cosmetic surgeon near you in our directory

What are the risks associated with a lip lift?

As with any surgical procedure, a lip lift carries potential risks such as infection, poor healing, or dissatisfaction with the aesthetic result. Discuss the potential risks with your surgeon during your consultation so that you can make a well-informed decision about surgery, and ask what steps the surgeon will take to minimize your risk of complications.

How can I prepare for my lip lift procedure?

In preparation for your lip lift, your surgeon may ask you to stop smoking, avoid taking certain medications, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Expect your surgeon to provide detailed pre-operative instructions with estimated timelines for returning to work, everyday activities, and strenuous activity like exercise.


Talei B. The Modified Upper Lip Lift: Advanced Approach with Deep-Plane Release and Secure Suspension: 823-Patient Series. Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America. 2019 Aug;27(3):385-398. doi: 10.1016/j.fsc.2019.04.004. 

Wollina U, Goldman A. Lip enhancement and mouth corner lift with fillers and botulinum toxin A. Dermatology and Therapy. 2020 Nov;33(6):e14231. doi: 10.1111/dth.14231.

Brody-Camp S, Raggio BS. Lip Implants. 2023 May 29. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 31536297.

Sturm A. Lip Lift. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America. 2022 Aug;55(4):835-847. doi: 10.1016/j.otc.2022.04.013.

Fallahi HR, Keyhan SO, Bohluli B, Cheshmi B, Jafari P. Lip Lift Techniques in Smile Design. Dental Clinics of North America. 2022 Jul;66(3):443-457. doi: 10.1016/j.cden.2022.02.006. Epub 2022 May 31. PMID: 35738738.

Júnior LCA, da Silva Cruz NT, de Vasconcelos Gurgel BC, de Aquino Martins ARL, Lins RDAU. Impact of subnasal lip lift on lip aesthetic: a systematic review. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2023 Mar;27(1):9-15. doi: 10.1007/s10006-022-01049-y. 

Talei B, Pearlman SJ. CUPID Lip Lift: Advanced Lip Design Using the Deep Plane Upper Lip Lift and Simplified Corner Lift. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 2022 Dec 14;42(12):1357-1373. doi: 10.1093/asj/sjac126. 

Patel AA, Schreiber JE, Gordon AR, Mehta K, Mikolasko BD, Levine JB, Tepper OM. Three-Dimensional Perioral Assessment Following Subnasal Lip Lift. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 2022 Jun 20;42(7):733-739. doi: 10.1093/asj/sjac070. PMID: 35354201.

Choosing a board-certified facial cosmetic surgeon for your lip lift

Conduct thorough research before selecting a cosmetic surgeon. Look for a surgeon who has extensive experience with lip lift procedures, excellent aesthetic outcomes in their before and after photos, and positive patient reviews. Additionally, confirm that lip lift surgery is a procedure they commonly perform before entrusting them with your safety and results. The American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery (ABFCS) carefully screens all of our members for safety, aesthetic mastery, and many other qualifications before certifying them.