What to Expect at a Facial Cosmetic Surgery Consultation

What to Expect at a Facial Cosmetic Surgery Consultation

If you are planning to have facial cosmetic surgery, such as a facelift or eyelid lift, the consultation is an essential part of the process: this is your chance to meet with a board-certified facial cosmetic surgeon, discuss your goals and concerns, learn about procedures, and, ultimately, establish a trusting relationship with your surgeon. 

To help you prepare, here is an overview of what you can expect during a facial cosmetic surgery consultation.

Medical history & medications

The first step in a consultation is sharing your medical history: your cosmetic surgeon will need to know about previous surgeries, allergies, and current medications to understand your overall health status. They will also want to know about any conditions that might affect your ability to safely undergo anesthesia and surgery, as well as anything else that could affect the outcome of the cosmetic procedure.

Being honest and detailed when it comes to your health history is crucial because it allows the surgeon to assess your suitability for the available procedures and prevent potential complications. For example, it’s important to disclose all substances you introduce to your system—including over-the-counter medications, recreational drugs, vitamins, and herbal supplements—as they can impact your surgical risks, recovery, and results.

Conversation about goals

Your surgeon will want to understand your aesthetic goals, so plan for a face-to-face conversation about what brought you to the consultation. Why are you considering cosmetic surgery? What are your expectations for the procedure and the final results?

When discussing your goals, be as specific as possible. Do you want to eliminate jowls? Look more rested in the eyes? Address wrinkles around the mouth? Details will help your surgeon guide you toward the most appropriate options. Be open to your surgeon’s professional advice as they explain what realistic expectations look like for you with each different option they present. 

Many patients find that words can only communicate so much about their desired appearance, and that bringing example photos or “wish pics” is an invaluable tool in communicating their goals with the surgeon. If you are looking at before and after photos, it’s best to look for photos of individuals who resemble you in the “before” images.

Physical exam

A physical examination is a critical part of the cosmetic surgery consultation. Your surgeon will carefully examine the area(s) you wish to improve, assessing your skin elasticity and facial structure, and potentially take detailed measurements and photographs for your medical records and surgical planning. The physical exam allows the surgeon to evaluate your suitability for specific cosmetic procedures and design a treatment plan tailored to your unique features and aesthetic goals.

Learn your options

Based on your medical history, physical examination, and personal goals, your cosmetic surgeon will present your treatment options. With today’s advanced non-surgical techniques, don’t be surprised if you have options that range from major surgeries like brow lifts and neck contouring to minimally invasive procedures such as thread lifts, Botox-type injectables (neuromodulators), and dermal fillers. While non-surgical options cannot achieve the longer-lasting transformations of surgery, they can help to delay signs of aging and create noteworthy improvements in your appearance.

Your surgeon should explain each procedure option in detail, discussing the steps involved, expected recovery time, potential risks, and the likely outcomes. This information helps you make an informed decision about which procedure(s) are right for you. Remember, choosing a procedure should never feel rushed—you should feel comfortable and confident with your decision, and only book a procedure when you are truly ready.

3D imaging to visualize results

In many cosmetic surgery practices today, surgeons use 3D imaging software to take photos of your face and show you, in real time, the results that may be possible with different surgical techniques. For example, your facial cosmetic surgeon may be able to show you the differences that can be achieved with surgical procedures such as rhinoplasty, as well as with non-surgical options such as a certain amount of dermal filler in the cheeks or lips. While it is not critical for achieving excellent outcomes, imaging can be a very helpful tool for patients and surgeons alike.

Questions & concerns

The consultation is your chance to ask any questions you might have about the procedure, recovery, and expected results. Don’t be shy—no question is too trivial when it comes to your health and satisfaction. Here are a few important questions you may want to ask about your surgery:

  • How long has the surgeon offered the procedure?
  • What results can I realistically expect, and how long will they last?
  • What are the potential risks and complications, and what steps do you take to prevent them?
  • How long is the recovery, and what kind of help will I need during this time?
  • What is the total cost of the procedure?

You may also ask questions to confirm that you are in safe hands, such as: Is the surgical facility accredited? Are you board-certified, and if so, by which board? How many of these surgeries do you perform in a month or a year?

Before and after photos

The best way to evaluate a surgeon’s skill is by looking at their previous patients’ before-and-after photos. These images showcase the surgeon’s aesthetic style, technical ability, and consistency across various procedures.

While looking at these photos, pay close attention to patients with similar features and aesthetic goals to yours. This will give you a realistic idea of the potential outcomes. Ask your surgeon questions about the approaches used for each patient, how long after surgery the “after” photos were taken, and what they would do differently for your case.

Fee quote

Towards the end of your consultation, you should receive a quote for your procedure. Check that this quote includes all costs, such as surgeon’s fees, facility fees, anesthesia fees, and any necessary medications or post-operative care. Be wary of quotes that seem too good to be true—it could be a red flag that the surgeon is under-qualified (double check their credentials and online reviews).

Lastly, discuss payment options with your surgeon or their administrative staff. Many practices offer financing plans, such as CareCredit, to make cosmetic procedures more affordable with monthly payments.

Take your “before” photos

If you are ready, you and your surgeon may decide to take your “before” photos during the consultation (though some surgeons may wait and take these at a later date). These can help you to appreciate your results, and most patients like to have them on file. After surgery is complete, some patients optionally choose to give their cosmetic surgeon permission to share these photos with other patients; this is not required if you prefer them to be kept confidential.

Avoid rushing into a decision

Take the time to prepare, ask questions, and make an informed decision about your cosmetic procedure. Patients should not be shy about calling with more questions if they arise afterwards, scheduling a second consult, or seeking a second opinion from another surgeon. Your safety and happiness are foremost when it comes to making a life-changing decision about aesthetic surgery.

Find an ABFCS-certified surgeon near you

Facial cosmetic surgeons who hold certification from the American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery (ABFCS) have passed rigorous certifying exams and been screened for experience, training, safety, and aesthetic mastery. As a facial cosmetic surgery certifying board, our mission is to offer patients peace of mind when choosing a surgeon, whether for a surgical procedure or for non-surgical treatments like Botox and dermal fillers. 

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